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Mitigate risk with OCCU-TEC’s tailored, thorough inspection processes.

If your enterprise uses or manages critical fuel systems, you need stringent storage inspection procedures to remain in compliance with regulations, identify shortcomings, mitigate risk and prevent a catastrophic failure. We know that inspection processes aren’t simply a box to check. They’re a foundational part of your business plan, protecting vital company assets during both normal operations and unexpected emergencies. We also understand the important role compliance plays in risk mitigation, from an individual state inspection to a nationwide compliance inspection program.  

In addition, inspection protocols are one of the most cost-effective tools your business has. Not only will they help prevent penalty fees and violations, they’ll also help extend the life of your equipment.

We offer inspection services to meet all needs, identifying areas of concern and providing treatment courses aimed at minimizing compliance risk or continuity disruption.

  • Monthly and Annual Designated Operator UST Inspections
  • Annual ATG Inspections, Testing and Certification
  • Tri-Annual Compliance Inspections for Spill Buckets, Overfill Protection and Underground Fuel Lines
  • Corrosion Inspection and Testing
  • Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans and Compliance Inspections

Designated Operator Inspections

Designated Operators (DO) carry a heavy load overseeing underground storage tanks (UST). From inspections to maintenance, DOs manage every UST aspect, including compliance and all associated paperwork. We work with clients who find it more efficient, secure and cost-effective to outsource these responsibilities to experienced professionals. We work to stay on top of all shifts in regulations, including EPA policies and federal and state laws.

Our experienced and certified OCCU-TEC designated operators oversee recurring DO inspections for a range of companies, from large telecommunications firms to data centers and hospital campuses, as well as private companies.


Compliance Inspections

Managing compliance inspections is a critical part of your operations. We help facilities prepare for on-site state and EPA inspections so they can expect a smooth, surprise-free visit from regulators. At OCCU-TEC, we work with partners to establish an efficient and effective maintenance program, making inspections a routine part of their operations.

Steel Tank Institute Inspections

Aboveground oil storage tanks require routine inspections to ensure their integrity and to minimize public health and environmental safety risks. We work with clients to meet the Steel Tank Institute’s Standard for Inspection of Aboveground Storage Tanks using the SP001 protocol, ensuring the tank’s viability both internally and externally.

Our certified inspectors identify potential issues before they become problems, helping facility operators maintain compliance with their SPCC plan, mitigate risk and budget repair or upgrade costs accordingly. 


ATG Inspections

If you have above and underground fuel storage tanks, you may also have an Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG) to monitor inventory and provide leak detection, which can reduce environmental risk and meet regulatory requirements. Our experienced and certified technicians work with a range of equipment manufacturers, such as Veeder Root, Pneumercator, OMNTEC, INCON, and many others. 

Our deep experience means some of the largest telecommunications companies in the country, hospitals and data center operators select OCCU-TEC as their vendor of choice for ATG testing, installation and compliance certification.