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Toxic Mold – Moldy, The Movie

August 10th, 2015


What You Don’t See CAN Hurt You…

"Probably every doctor in the United States is treating mold illness, and they just don’t realize it.” – Dr. Scott McMahon, M.D.

Today, at least 45 million buildings in America harbor unhealthy levels of mold. And some of the most dangerous varieties routinely find their way into our food supply. That means you have about a one-in-three chance of exposure to toxic mold every time you move into a new home, apartment or office. And even greater odds of exposure with your next meal or snack.

Yet unlike other more obvious environmental threats, this growing mold epidemic is mostly invisible. Dramatic photos you may have seen showing full-scale infestations of black mold after floods and hurricanes are the exception, not the rule. Instead, most people only realize they’re living in a moldy home or working in a moldy building after going from doctor to doctor with symptoms they can’t explain... Poisoned by mold spores and toxins trapped invisibly behind paint and drywall, circulating unseen through air conditioning and heating ducts, or hiding in the food on their plates.

Worst of all… Unless you’re lucky enough to find the right doctor, you may end up believing the performance-robbing symptoms of toxic mold exposure are all in your head.

The good news is there IS a way out.

All too often, it takes mold victims years of needless suffering before finally discovering a someone – like Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Scott McMahon, Dr. Bill Rea – willing to tackle this threat head-on.

The mission behind Moldy is to bring all of these world-class experts together to give you and your family their best advice – all in one place. Along with inspiring stories behind the statistics from mold survivors willing to share how they overcame the effects of mold to emerge stronger and healthier than ever.

For more information, and to watch the free online screening of MOLDY, go to http://bit.ly/moldymovie