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Missouri Dept. of Transportation wins Safety Award

October 7th, 2011



Happy to report that one of OCCU-TEC’s long standing clients has won a safety award; the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) was recognized recently by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association for its work to save lives on Missouri highways.   MoDOT received the Peter K. O’Rourke Special Achievement Award for spearheading a statewide safety coalition that has helped the state realize a decrease in traffic fatalities and disabling injuries for the past five years.   The award also recognized the state for reaching its goal of 850 or fewer roadway fatalities two years early.

Congratulations goes out to all our friends and everyone at MoDOT who have worked very hard on increasing safety awareness and reducing both worker injuries and public roadway accidents.

You can get more information on MoDOT’s safety initiatives here:  savemolives