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NIOSH and OSHA release “Nail Gun Safety: A Guide for Construction Contractors”

September 29th, 2011

According to the newly released guidance on nail gun safety by NIOSH and OSHA; Nail gun injuries are so common that two out of five residential carpenter apprentices experienced a nail gun injury over a four-year period. The guidance document is primarily for residential home builders and construction contractors, subcontractors, and supervisors. According to the document; NIOSH and OSHA developed it to give construction employers the information they need to prevent nail gun injuries.

The guidance document covers nailers used for fastening wood, shingles, and siding materials, it also refers specifically to pneumatic tools but also applies to nail guns that use gas, electric, or hybrid power sources. It is a well constructed guide book that will provide some basic safety tips for use of nailers. It is my hope that someone actually reads it besides us safety professionals!

You can find it at: http://www.osha.gov/Publications/NailgunFinal_508_02_optimized.pdf