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10 Interesting Health and Safety Facts

September 6th, 2011

10 Interesting Health and Safety Facts

  1. About 3.9 million employees are disabled at work in any given year.
  2. One work related injury occurs every 8 seconds.
  3. Accidental overdose of iron pills is the leading cause of poisoning deaths among children.
  4. Fire kills more Americans each year than ALL other natural disasters combined.
  5. Nature requires over 5 years to get rid of a cigarette butt.
  6. The energy needed to make 1 new aluminum can makes 20 recycled ones.
  7. About 8 out of every 10 adults will have a back injury in their lives.
  8. On average about 400 people die from excess heat (heat stroke) each year.
  9. Occupational skin diseases costs $1 billion annually in worker comp costs claims.
  10. Of the 42,000 traffic fatalities in recent years, 41% were alcohol related.