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OSHA launches new webpage dedicated to I2P2

August 8th, 2011

As noted in the August , 2011 edition of Safety + Helath magazine, OSHA has launched a new webpage on their website dedicated to Injury and Illness Prevention Programs or what is commonly referred to as I2P2.  The webpage features links to various program resources, related OSHA documents and information regarding the costs of injurys and illnesses to the U.S. economy. 

“The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that approximately 3.3 million serious work-related injuries and about 4,300 fatalities occurred in 2009. The human cost of preventable workplace injuries and deaths is incalculable. However, according to the 2010 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index, the direct cost of the most disabling workplace injuries and illnesses in 2008 amounted to $53.42 billion in U.S. workers compensation costs, more than one billion dollars per week. This money would be better spent on job creation and innovation. Injury and illness prevention programs are good for workers, good for business and good for America.” – Dr. David Michaels Assistant Secretary of Labor.

For more information visit the webpage at: http://www.osha.gov/dsg/topics/safetyhealth/index.html